A mommy makeover can provide a newly sculpted, appealing physique for women who have had children and want to return their feminine physique to its pre-pregnancy shape. To newly enhance the breasts, flatten and firm the tummy, and achieve a rejuvenated, youthful figure again, several procedures are generally performed during the same surgical session.
For women wondering what the recovery period will entail after a mommy makeover, we have provided a recovery timeline that takes you through the healing process week by week.
One week after your mommy makeover
The first week after your mommy makeover is the most intense period of time during your recovery period. There will be bruising, swelling, and pain, which you can manage with medication. Wear your compression garments to help with the swelling.
During this time, all you should do is eat, sleep, and do very light walking to encourage circulation. Arrange ahead of time for a friend or family member to drive you home and help you with your children, chores, or anything else that you need.
Two weeks after your mommy makeover
During this time, you will start beginning to feel better. There will still be soreness and tiredness. You may work lightly (sedentary computer work) at home and take light, brief walks. Around this time, you may be able to come off of pain medications. Swelling will be fading by the day.
Continue to wear your compression garments. Drains that were placed to allow fluids to drain will be removed around this time.
Three weeks after your mommy makeover
Your healing will continue during this week, although it may feel somewhat like progress is slowing. Some women feel more energized during this time, while others continue to feel exhausted. Continue to take light walks to help with your circulation and improve your spirits, but be sure to give yourself as much time as you possibly can in order to heal correctly.
Four to six weeks after your mommy makeover
Your swelling will continue to decrease during this time. You will be able to start wearing your compression garments more occasionally or stop wearing them completely. Dr. Shafa will advise you on this.
You will start feeling much better around week five, and during this week, most patients can resume regular exercise (with moderate intensity). Dr. Shafa will work with you to determine when it would be best for you to return to exercise at full strength again.
Moving forward
After six weeks have passed and you are back to vigorous strength and feeling completely like yourself again, your body will look firm, curving, and youthfully attractive. However, marginal swelling may continue to fade over the coming months. This is usual. For some procedures, such as a tummy tuck or breast implants, these minor changes will continue for about one year.
Mommy makeover with Dr. Shafa
Dr. Brian Shafa is an experienced plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills who provides stunning outcomes for women who want a mommy makeover. Dr. Shafa’s precise, modern techniques and understanding nature with his many satisfied patients earned his reputation as an honest, dedicated surgeon. He develops trusting and understanding relationships with his patients, who can feel at ease under his care. Dr. Shafa dedicates himself to his patients’ aesthetic journey from their first consultation until they are fully healed and enjoying their beautiful results.